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What is an enforcement notice?

An enforcement notice is a notice served against unauthorised development requiring the unauthorised development to be demolished or the unauthorised use to cease, for example. It should include:

  • A statement of the alleged breach of planning control;
  • Whether the breach is one where the enforcement notice has to be issued within the relevant time limits for taking enforcement action;
  • Steps which have to be taken to comply with it;
  • The date on which the notice takes effect;
  • A time period for compliance;
  • The reasons why the authority is serving the notice;
  • The policies in the authority's Development Plan relevant to the decision to issue the notice;
  • The precise boundaries of the land to which it relates. This is normally done using a map;
  • Details of appeal rights; and
  • A list of the names and addresses of the people on whom it has been served.
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