If you disagree with a decision on a planning application or you consider a condition included on a planning permission to be unreasonable you can appeal up to 6 months after the decision was made. Further information is available here: https://www.gov.uk/appeal-planning-decision
In addition to planning appeals described above, there are also:
- Householder appeals, which relate to proposals associated with changes to a residential property. The planning inspectorate deal with householder appeals through a faster process and you have only 12 weeks to appeal the decision https://www.gov.uk/appeal-householder-planning-decision;
- Enforcement appeals can be made if you received an enforcement notice. There are various aspects of the enforcement notice that you can appeal, and you must submit the appeal within 28 days of the date of service of the notice https://www.gov.uk/appeal-enforcement-notice;
- Listed building appeals can be made if you are refused listed building consent or if you consider a condition included on the listed building consent to be unreasonable. The process is similar to that of a planning application appeal and you must appeal within 6 months of the decision https://www.gov.uk/appeal-listed-building-consent-decision;
- An appeal can be made against a lawful development certificate application if you disagree with the decision. You must appeal within 6 months of the decision https://www.gov.uk/appeal-lawful-development-certificate-decision;
- Tree preservation order appeals must be made within 28 days of the decision and before any tree replacement notice comes into effect https://www.gov.uk/appeal-decision-about-tree-order; and
- High hedge appeals can be made by the person who complained about the high hedge or the owner or occupier of the land where the hedge is situated. You must appeal within 28 days of the decision https://www.gov.uk/appeal-high-hedges-decision.