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Local validation requirements for planning applications

Planning authorities should have a Local Validation List available on their website, which will list what is specifically required to accompany a planning application. This will depend on the type of application, the development proposed and what may be affected by the development. Each planning authority’s list will differ slightly. Authorities must take a proportionate approach to the information they request and it must be:

  • reasonable having regard, in particular, to the nature and scale of the proposed development; and
  • about a matter which it is reasonable to think will be a material, i.e. relevant consideration in the determination of the application.

The Local Validation List will say which plans are required for different applications, for example when elevation plans, floorplans or street scene plans are required, in addition to the location plan which is always required. It will also list the other supporting information that should accompany the application. 

Examples of supporting documents that may be required to accompany a planning application are listed below:

Planning Statement

Retail Impact Assessment

Transport Assessment

Heritage Assessment

Travel Plan

Archaeological Assessment

Ground Contamination Assessment

Landscape Management Plan

Flood Risk Assessment

Sustainability Assessment

Sustainable Drainage Assessment

Noise Assessment

Tree Survey/Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Air Quality Assessment

Protected Species/Ecological Assessment

Statement of Community Involvement

Open Space Assessment

Marketing Assessment

Affordable Housing Plan

Viability Statement


Draft Heads of Terms for Planning Contributions

Economic Impact Assessment

3D Visuals

Further information can also be found on the Planning Portal

Where a local planning authority has a Community Infrastructure Levy in force, completion of an additional form(s) to accompany the planning application will be required.





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