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What is strategic planning?


Strategic planning seeks to address development challenges across a defined geographical region. In England these areas are usually identified as cities and their surrounding influence, sometimes counties and sometimes a combination of both. For example, these defined regions are usually known as city-regions, mayoral areas or simply use historic county boundaries. They usually utilise some type of planning powers to coordinate activity across that area and across multiple sectors, such as housing, transport, health, and the environment.


Strategic planning is usually a very broad-brush approach to tackling what are seen as ‘strategic issues’. For example, it is seen as better to plan new homes in locations with good transport links, so strategic planning can help to bring forward new homes and coordinate improvements to transport in a similar timeframe and location. It is also better to plan for providing healthcare based on where new homes will be built, so again strategic planning can assist in that regard. Two good examples where this has happened are the London Plan and the Greater Manchester Plan.

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