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Local Plans
Local Plans
What is a Local Plan?
What is a Local Plan?
Why are Local Plans important?
What do Local Plans look like?
How is a Local Plan prepared?
What is the context for Local Plan preparation?
Does a Local Plan require a sustainability appraisal?
What is the role of the National Planning Policy Framework?
How do I get involved in Local Plans?
When should you get involved in Local Plans?
How do you submit formal representations?
How are Local Plans examined?
How are Local Plans examined?
What is the process?
Making a case
Attending the examination
What happens after the examination?
What happens after a Plan is found sound?
Examination process and planning applications
What effect does the examination process have on pending planning applications?
Local Plans and neighbourhood planning
How does a Neighbourhood Plan fit in with the Local Plan?
Further information on neighbourhood planning
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