Changes of use and alterations to business premises
- What are use classes?
- What does having a Class E (commercial, business and service) Use mean?
- What does having a Class F1 learning and non-residential institution mean?
- What does a Class F2 'local community use' mean?
- What does having a 'sui generis' drinking establishment mean (formerly known as Class A4)?
- What does having a 'sui generis' hot food takeaway premises mean (formerly a Class A5 use)?
- What does having B2 general industrial premises mean?
- What does having B8 storage and distribution premises mean?
- What does having a C1 hotel use mean?
- What does having a C2 residential institution use mean?
- What does having a C3 dwellinghouse mean?
- What does having a C4 house in multiple occupation mean?
- 'Sui Generis' cinemas, concert halls and dance halls.
- Do I need permission to display advertising
- Upwards extension of business premises (new dwellinghouses on detached buildings in commercial or mixed use)
- Demolition of commercial or residential building and replacement with new residential